What Is Planned Maintenance Percentage (PMP)?

Planned maintenance percentage (PMP) refers to the percentage of overall maintenance time that goes into planned maintenance activities. It’s usually measured against the total amount of time spent on maintenance in a given time period.

What Is Planned Maintenance Percentage (PMP)?

Planned maintenance percentage (PMP) is a maintenance metric that illustrates the number of planned maintenance activities compared to all organizational maintenance activities. It’s a valuable key performance indicator to track the effectiveness of PM programs.

Maintenance managers can calculate PMP for weekly, monthly, or yearly intervals. When establishing maintenance programs, leadership must determine which PM activities should be accomplished and how often. It’s essential to find the perfect balance between preventive and corrective maintenance work orders—experts recommend an ideal 80:20 ratio.


Regularly calculating your PMP is one of the simplest ways to keep tabs on overall maintenance program effectiveness. A low PMP indicates that maintenance teams are spending too much time on reactive maintenance. In such cases, management needs to thoroughly review maintenance workflows, equipment history, and root causes is needed. When used in this manner, PMP becomes a diagnostic tool for identifying underlying issues.

Benefits of PMP

  • Enables data-driven decisions on maintenance processes, schedules, and resource allocation.
  • Helps maximize asset reliability while controlling maintenance costs.
  • Draws attention to broken workflows, inefficiencies, and causes of asset failure.
  • Ensures optimal equipment health, thus extending its Useful Life.
  • Allows for greater control of facility budgets due to planned costs.

How to Calculate Planned Maintenance Percentage (PMP)

Before calculating PMP, it’s important to understand the difference between planned and unplanned maintenance. Planned maintenance refers to maintenance activities that a company plans, documents, and schedules.

In other words, you create a process, from start to finish, for completing recommended equipment upkeep. There are three types of planned maintenance: preventive maintenance (PM), condition-based maintenance, and run-to-failure maintenance.

Unplanned maintenance refers to unanticipated maintenance activities—emergency or non-emergency. Also known as reactive maintenance, unplanned maintenance involves an unexpected event that causes inconvenient equipment downtime.

Planned Maintenance Percentage Formula

To calculate your PMP, divide your total hours spent on planned maintenance activities by your total number of hours spent on all maintenance activities within a given period. Then, multiply the number by 100 to get your PMP percentage.

PMP Examples

Below are a few examples of PMP calculations:

Water Utility Example

A water utility company spent 1,200 hours total on all maintenance activities during the first quarter of 2021. Of the 1,200 hours, 980 hours went into planned maintenance tasks.

PMP = 980 ÷ 1,200 = 0.817

= 0.817 x 100

= 81.7%

Automotive Industry Example

An automotive factory spends 500 hours per month performing maintenance. Planned maintenance makes up 400 of those hours.

PMP = 400 ÷ 500 = 0.8

= 0.8 x 100

= 80%

Fleet Management Example

A fleet management company spent 200 hours on maintenance, with 175 hours spent on planned maintenance, in one month.

PMP = 175 ÷ 200 = 0.875

= 0.875 x 100

= 87.5%

It’s worth emphasizing that the calculation of PMP requires facilities to properly document all of their maintenance hours—both planned and unplanned—to ensure accuracy. Using maintenance software such as MaintainX CMMS can help with this key performance indicator (KPI) as well as others.

How to Improve Your Team’s PMP

Any organization that wants to improve its maintenance processes should work on improving its PMP. Here are a few tips to get started:

1. Make a Plan for Each Asset

Knowing which kind of maintenance an asset requires to remain optimally effective is crucial. Conduct a criticality analysis, determine asset failure modes, and calculate Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) to better understand your assets’ behavioral patterns and develop effective maintenance programs for higher PMPs.

2. Improve Emergency Breakdown Responsiveness

Unplanned downtimes are inevitable, but you can spend less time solving unplanned breakdowns by providing your team with everything they need to make quick repairs. Make sure all important maintenance tools, vital equipment parts, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) are easily accessible.

3. Establish and Improve Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Total productive maintenance (TPM) is a methodology that suggests everyone within the organization is involved in asset maintenance. It involves equipping workers with clear SOPs, maintenance training, and the authority to quickly perform repairs with confidence. TPM also ensures maintenance teams are notified of issues early enough to plan for them.

4. Create Effective Schedules

Optimizing maintenance schedules is another way to improve PMP. Improving your maintenance schedule begins with creating an accessible system to catalog asset data, service history, and costs spent on repairs. The more accurate historical data you have at your disposal, the more effectively you can schedule both time and usage-based PM tasks. The ultimate goal is to always anticipate the ideal number of staff, inventory, and task time needed throughout each shift.

5. Improve Schedule Compliance

Schedule Compliance is a maintenance metric used to measure the percentage of scheduled maintenance activities completed on time. You can improve Schedule Compliance by scheduling work appropriately, ensuring proper documentation of all necessary procedures, and planning tasks with employee skill levels in mind.

Use MaintainX to Help Improve PMP

The easiest way to ensure maintenance technicians always have the equipment manuals, procedural checklists, and company policies they need is to digitize them within a CMMS system. MaintainX, for example, allows managers to attach PDFs, photographs, and procedures to digital work orders for instant accessibility. MaintainX’s user-friendly interface, robust features, and free Basic Plan have earned the software top ratings in Capterra, Google Play, and the Apple App Store.

There are several benefits to improving your organization’s Planned Maintenance Percentage (PMP). Measuring, analyzing, and improving PMP will improve not only your maintenance program but also your company’s bottom line. Start tracking your PMP with MaintainX today.

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Caroline Eisner

Caroline Eisner is a writer and editor with experience across the profit and nonprofit sectors, government, education, and financial organizations. She has held leadership positions in K16 institutions and has led large-scale digital projects, interactive websites, and a business writing consultancy.

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