Transform your operations overnight with MaintainX

Discover the new era of operational excellence. With MaintainX, witness groundbreaking improvements in months. Don’t take our word for it, see the results from real clients below!

ROI Calculator

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Savings Calculation

This calculation shows your potential savings across key areas, including increased production capacity and reduced parts inventory costs, based on tried-and-true industry data. This is a conservative estimate of what MaintainX could bring to your operations.

For a personalized ROI assessment with MaintainX, book a demo below.
Increased Production Capacity
Reduced Annual Unplanned Downtime
Reduced Parts Inventory Cost
Total Direct Savings (Annualized)

The impact of MaintainX, by the numbers

Improved workforce productivity
Decrease in MTTR
(mean time to repair)
Increase in MTBF (mean time between failures)
Reduction in unplanned downtime

Turning maintenance into a profit center

By empowering teams with MaintainX, you can eliminate unnecessary expenses and optimize operations. Our platform helps you control, predict, and efficiently manage maintenance tasks, transforming them from cost centers to profit drivers.

Learn more
Image of factory worker and screenshots of the MaintainX application with a chart on unplanned and planned downtime.

Making the case for CMMS: A step-by-step guide

Learn why thousands of organizations trust MaintainX to digitize and transform their asset maintenance and frontline-worker operations.

Present the numbers

Use our data and tested methodology to demonstrate how MaintainX delivers ROI and drives value for your company.

Show real
success stories

Share examples from our ROI calculator based on real client data to foster confidence in the investment.

Anticipate objections

Be ready with data and success stories to counter any hesitations, showcasing MaintainX’s proven track record.

Not convinced?

Learn why thousands of organizations trust MaintainX to digitize and transform their asset maintenance and frontline-worker operations.

Get more done with MaintainX

Screenshot of MaintainX application showing asset onlineScreenshot of MaintainX application in mobile app showing assets