Boiler Weekly PM 443
Regularly maintaining your boiler can reduce your energy bills, save money on costly repairs and prevents winter breakdowns. You can also avoid faults with your boiler to keep your area safe.
Boiler Weekly PM 443
Regularly maintaining your boiler can reduce your energy bills, save money on costly repairs and prevents winter breakdowns. You can also avoid faults with your boiler to keep your area safe.
*** LOTO Confirmation Statement - DO NOT EDIT/REMOVE ***
All hazardous energy has been isolated using LOTO procedures?
All potential stored or residual energy has been relieved, disconnected, restrained, lowered, and/or otherwise rendered safe?
Machine Observation
Test flame safeguard alarm. With the boiler operating remove the UV scanner. Verify that the boiler alarms "Flame Failure" and shuts off. Replace the UV scanner and reset the flame controller.
Record flame signal strength. With the boiler operating record the flame signal strength on the flame controller. Signal should read 5V DC
Repair made or needed:
Source: 443 Fox Valley WI (Community Member)